Pharmesis International Ltd. announces re-designation of Mr. Chew Heng Ching to Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Company. Role And Responsibilities: Non-Executive. Job Title: Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman.

Working Experience Present - Directorship 1) Ausgroup Limited 2) RHT Worldbridge Holdings Pte. Ltd. 3) Crocodile Holdings Pte Ltd. 4) HL Global Enterprises Limited Past - Directorship 1) Sinopipe Holdings Limited - creditors' voluntary winding up 2) Huan Hsin Holdings Ltd. - privatisation 3) Spindex Industries Limited 4) The Stratech Group Limited 5) Chosen Holdings Limited - privatisation 6) Bonvests Holdings Limited. Other DirectorShips Past Directorships: - Spindex Industries Limited - Huan Hsin Holdings Ltd. - privatisation - Bonvests Holdings Limited Other Principal Commitment: - Nil.

Other DirectorShips Present Directorships: - Ausgroup Limited - RHT Worldbridge Holdings Pte. Ltd. - Crocodile Holdings Pte Ltd. - HL Global Enterprises Limited Other Principal Commitment: - Nil. Director Experience Details include Mr. Chew has been a Director of Pharmesis International Ltd. since 9 November 2005.

Following his re-designation, Mr. Chew will step down from his position as the Chairman of the Audit Committee ("AC"), NC and Remuneration Committee ("RC"), but he will remain as a member of the AC, NC and RC. Professional Qualifications - A senior accredited Director - A Honorary Fellow, Singapore Institute of Directors. Appointment Date is April 30,2024.