Philippe Dorge, Executive Vice President, Human Resources of PSA Peugeot Citroën, categorically refutes the figures and information put forward by a delegation of members of the Lutte Ouvrière labour union from the Aulnay plant and used to question the French Minister for Industrial Renewal, Arnaud Montebourg.

"The issue of finding placement solutions for the plant's employees is too important to be treated in this way, particularly since a committee monitors the plan on a regular basis, in a fully transparent process with government officials. The placement plan currently being deployed, and on which more than 100 Group employees have been working since May 2013, is exemplary. It will allow the Group to meet its commitments. The final results will only be available when the placement period ends in the summer of 2014. So far, 240 employees out of 3,000 have not yet identified a solution. In accordance with the agreement signed by the labour unions, they will be offered another position within the Group. No redundancies are planned."

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