Petroleum Pipeline & Tank Construction Joint Stock Company approved the resignation of members of BOD and Supervisory Board for the term 2015 ­ 2020 due to the end of term; including: Mr. Tran Quang Ngoc: Chairman of BOD; Mr. Tran Manh Dung: member of BOD; Mr. Vu Chi Cuong: member of BOD; Mr. Nguyen Tri Hoa: member of BOD and approved the result of election of the BOD and Supervisory Board for the term 2020 ­ 2025; including: Mr. Vu Minh Cong: Chairman of BOD; Mr. Nguyen Minh Ngoc: member of BOD; Mr. Pham Cuong: Independent member of BOD at the Annual General Meeting held on June 16, 2020.