Malka Oil's total production of oil for the month of December 2009 amounted to
62,280 barrelscompared to November when the production was 62,865 barrels. On
average production was 2,009 barrels per day compared to 2,096 barrels per day
during November.

Oil sales for the month of December amounted to67 733 barrels and the average
price before tax was 34,07 USD per barrel.

During December, Malka Oil produced oil from 14 wells.

Planned production for the month of January is63705 barrels.

For further information, please contact:
Maks Grinfeld, MD, tel: +46 768 077 614
Sven-Erik Zachrisson, Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel: +46 8 41 05 45 96

For further information on Malka Oil AB, see the

Reasonable  caution notice: The statement and  assumptions made in the company's
information  regarding  Malka  Oil  AB's  ("Malka")  current  plans,  prognoses,
strategies,  concepts and  other statements  that are  not historical  facts are
estimations   or   "forward   looking   statements"  concerning  Malka's  future
activities.  Such future estimations comprise but  are not limited to statements
that  include  words  such  as  "may  occur",  "concerning", "plans", "expects",
"estimates",  "believes", "evaluates", "prognosticates"  or similar expressions.
Such  expressions reflect the management of Malka's expectations and assumptions
made  on the basis of  information available at that  time. These statements and
assumptions  are subject to a large number of risks and uncertainties. These, in
their  turn, comprise but are not limited  to i) changes in the financial, legal
and political environment of the countries in which Malka conducts business, ii)
changes  in  the  available  geological  information  concerning  the  company's
projects   in   operation,  iii)  Malka's  capacity  to  continuously  guarantee
sufficient  financing to perform their activities  as a "going concern", iv) the
success  of  all  participants  in  the  group,  or  of  the  various interested
companies,  joint  ventures  or  secondary  alliances,  v)  changes  in currency
exchange  rates, in particular  those relating to  the RUR/USD rate.  Due to the
background   of   the   many   risks   and  uncertainties  that  exist  for  any
oil-prospecting venture and oil production company in its initial stage, Malka's
actual  future development may significantly deviate  from that indicated in the
company's  informative  statements.  Malka  assumes  no  implicit  liability  to
immediately update any such future evaluations.


    Press Release (PDF):