03.10.2013 Saving Thinking is Being Formed in Perm Engine Company

Production system audit check took place in Perm Engine Company. Audit group manager, Deputy Managing Director on Production System Development of OJSC "NPO "Saturn" Iliya Pautov remarked that at present there are four leaders in production system development among ten enterprises of United Engine-building Corporation (UEC), i.e. Ufa engine-building production association, Perm Engine Company, "NPO "Saturn" and "Saturn - Gas Turbines".

Production system audit check takes place once a year. The previous monitoring took place in OJSC "PMZ" last September:
plan of activities according to results of last year estimation of production system is fulfilled 97,3 %.

Among positive issues the auditors mentioned practice of 3 months training in the Department of production development system, where the specialists of different departments go. Except for efficiency improvement projects execution Perm Engine Company tackles an important issue of the employees' saving thinking formation.

Practice of project management in production system reformation is effectively applied in the company. At present 24 projects are being executed 20 of which are performed in production sections. According to commission estimation PMZ is a leader among UEC enterprises in project management.

Particularly they remarked information visualization in part of the workshops operating results: all information displayed on board is acute and reflects actual state of things. The level of production standards of OJSC "PMZ" has also sufficiently high level in comparison with the rest UEC enterprises. System analysis of CNC equipment downtime is being carried out.

Among negative aspects of the company production system they mentioned insufficient level of automation, old equipment,
worn-out state of buildings and constructions.

With the purpose of production system efficiency improvement the commission recommended to organize extra training of section managers using experience of "NPO "Saturn". Also the auditors advised to intensify efforts of realization 5S system on improvement offers provision.

"Perm Engine Company" OJSC is a serial manufacturer of gas-turbine engines for aviation, gas turbine units for power generation and gas transport. 

"PMZ" OJSC is included into OJSC "United Engine Building Corporation"- 100% specialized subsidiary of OJSC "UIC "OBORONPROM" for engine building companies assets management.  

"UIC "OBORONPROM" OJSC is a multi-profile machine-building group founded in 2002. It is included into the State Company "Russian Technologies". The primary businesses: helicopter building (OJSC "Russian Helicopters"), engine building (OJSC MC "UEC"). 

State Corporation "Rostechnologii" (Rostech) is a Russian corporation founded in 2007 with the purpose promotion of the development, manufacture and exportation of high-technology civil and military-oriented products. It includes 663 organizations which up to now have been reformed into 8 holding companies in military-industrial complex 5 organizations in civil industries. Rostech organizations are situated on the territories of 60 Russian Federation entities and deliver products to the markets of over .

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