Paramount Corporation Berhad unveiled a masterplan for a new university metropolis in Glenmarie, Shah Alam. The development, called Paramount Utropolis, is a 21-acre freehold live-and-learn integrated development, anchored by a 10-acre purpose-built KDU University College campus. The integrated development includes 1500 units of serviced apartments and SOHO's (small offices- home offices), a 120,000 sq ft retail centre with approximately 50 retail spaces, covered pedestrian walkways that connect all major buildings, a comprehensive security system and 4,600 carparks, making it a beacon for residents in the neighbouring Glenmarie areas too.

The move is expected to transform Glenmarie from an industrial area to a vibrant learning, commercial, retail and residential hub. Phase 1 of the new KDU University College campus at Utropolis, costing MYR 320 million, has been designed around the philosophy that learning is experiential and can happen anywhere.