Unido Capital Holdings, Inc. entered into a sale and purchase agreement to acquire 36.52% stake in Pacifica, Inc. (PSE:PA) from 9th Kingdom Investments Inc and Mikro-Tech Capital Inc for approximately PHP 100 million on November 29, 2016. Under the terms, 9th Kingdom Investments will sell 13.42 billion shares and Mikro-Tech Capital Inc will sell 1.19 billion shares at PHP 0.07 per share. In a related transaction, Unido Capital Holdings, Inc. agreed to make a tender offer to acquire 35.83% stake in Pacifica, Inc. for approximately PHP 100 million. The transaction is subject to the completion of a mandatory tender offer to be made by Unido Capital Holdings to acquire 35.83% stake in Pacifica and other customary conditions. Unido Capital Holdings, Inc obtained all organizational, contractual and regulatory approvals, consents and authorizations for the purchase of tender offer shares before the expiration of the tender offer period. The transaction is expected to close by January 12, 2017.