OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. announced that it has completed the development of a proprietary, cannabinoid-enriched sublingual tablet for the administration of medical cannabis. The technology behind the Tablet is protected and provides for the ingestion of virtually any dosage of medical cannabis with a sublingual delivery mechanism, whereby the compounds are absorbed directly into the patient's blood through oral epithelial tissue. The Tablet also enables physicians to safely and accurately monitor the dosage and treatment of each individual patient, something that is essentially impossible to do for patients who administer cannabis by smoking. The Company is working towards having the Tablet approved by the Israeli Medicinal Cannabis Unit under the Ministry of Health office for use within the country's sanctioned medical cannabis program, as well as talking with potential licensees of the technology in the United States. Longer term, management expects to establish clinical tests of the Tablet in protocols for Multiple Myeloma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Fibromyalgia. Development of the Tablet was overseen by the Company's Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs, Dr. Yehuda Baruch, who established and served as the first Head of the Israeli Ministry of Health's Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Program from 2003 through 2013. During his tenure, Dr. Baruch treated more than 15,000 patients in Israel with cannabis.