Firesteel Resources Inc. announced results from the 2011 summer exploration programs on its Copper Creek Property. During September 2011, UTM Exploration Services Ltd., of Smithers, BC conducted a short exploration program on the Copper Creek Property. The focus of the program was to follow up the numerous coincident and anomalous data layers that define the Dick Creek zone. Geophysical chargeability, resistivity and total field magnetics, coupled with geochemical soil contours, historical sampling and mapping, trenching, and drilling, have all indicated that the Dick Creek zone has the potential to be larger in size than indicated by subsurface drilling and trenching. The design of the 2011 program was to expand the existing geological knowledge by focusing on these anomalous areas with an emphasis on structures that have been interpreted through the geophysical images. In many areas on the property, overburden has limited the existing geological picture to date; however, the 2011 program was successful in identifying additional monzonitic outcrop to the west of the Dick Creek area, as well as taking rock grab samples with significant Cu assays: 2.75% Cu, 3.28% Cu, 3.83% Cu, 8.22% and a boulder sample assaying 17.2% Cu. The distribution of these grab samples, as well as the location of the boulder sample, are all from an area along the western flank of the known Dick Creek anomalous corridor identified by past drilling. All of the samples taken were of monzonitic origin, suggesting that the potential for additional and continued subsurface mineralization to the west of the Dick Creek area is promising. In total, 96 outcrop and boulder samples and 2 soil samples were collected. Historical copper grades of the Dick Creek area, identified through drilling, surface samples and trenching, have been significant. The 2011 program has identified and suggested that these historical grades continue to the west beyond the known envelope of mineralization known as the Dick Creek Zone. Further recommendations for the Copper Creek Property have been proposed to the company and include continued detailed mapping, trenching, soil sampling and drilling of the Dick Creek zone. Additional recommendations outside of this anomalous region include mapping, soil sampling and drilling of the Copper Creek zone, with initial focus on the mapping of possible structures that may be controlling mineralization in the area of the two, historically identified, anomalous zones.