Oracle announced that Ricardo Eletro has deployed Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and Oracle Retail Fiscal Management to enable converged commerce, empower associates and increase operational efficiency. Ricardo Eletro faced the challenge of integrating more than 900 stores and 12 distribution centers in the midst of company transformation. The partnership between Oracle Retail and Ricardo Electro began eight years ago. In January 2016, following several mergers and the costly support of disparate systems and varying IT infrastructure maturity levels, the decision was to unify Ricardo Eletro under one brand, and a unified Oracle IT infrastructure. This collaboration empowered the Ricardo Eletro commercial department to optimize the market structure to facilitate open to buy, centralize management, and streamline pricing, while enabling adherance to federal regulations. Ricardo Eletro selected Oracle Retail implementation partner BRX Retail to support this project. BRX Retail provided local resources with product experience, local understanding of Brazilian tax regulation and the implementation knowledge to deliver and respond quickly.