Oracle Health Sciences has unveiled Oracle Healthcare Precision Medicine, a software solution that connects genetic testing, report generation, and clinical care decision-making to enhance delivery of precision medicine. With this solution, Oracle continues to support the paradigm shift in clinical research and healthcare, from a one-size-fits-all approach to combat disease to a methodology that treats biological variations of individual patients. The advancement of precision medicine involves targeting large amounts of genetic data from gene panels to whole genome sequencing (WGS).

The task of identifying, reviewing, and acting on these biomarkers falls to three groups of specialists, the researcher (uncovering the biomarkers), the molecular pathologist (identifying the actionable biomarkers for a given condition), and the clinician (evaluating the resulting data and advising on treatment plans). Oracle Healthcare Precision Medicine addresses the data aggregation, knowledge exchange, normalization, and workflow issues that restrict the timely creation of patient molecular profiles. The solution allows a wide range of experts to conduct seamless collaborations on 'best treatment' plans for individual patients.

Benefits of the solution include: full spectrum testing from gene panels through whole genome sequencing Accelerated test throughput via streamlined lab workflow for higher revenue and lower costs; consistent report design and simplified clinical action planning; complete traceability for compliance requirements; and integration with electronic health record (EHR) systems and third-party vendors for seamless clinical workflow and adoption.