Obsidian Energy Ltd. (TSX:OBE) will look for acquisitions. Stephen Loukas, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, said "we will look at acquisitions that potentially are in our wheelhouse, that can create value for our shareholders. I think we'll be very disciplined in that regard.

I think we're quite happy with our inventory position. And with that having been said, that's not to suggest that there may not be other opportunities to create value via acquisitions. I think it is in the cards of the company, will look to pay a dividend.

I'm not going to qualify the win because I think the short answer is, we don't -- we're not exactly sure. And moreover, just as per my prior answer, there'll be somewhat contingent on where our shares trade and what the -- and how we allocate capital between buybacks versus dividends versus potential acquisitions or production growth. I think the short answer is, we will look at all M&A opportunities.

I think as I've outlined before, we will be very disciplined in that regard".