The board of NVest Financial Holdings Limited has declared an interim dividend (Number 12) of 5.50 cents per share, which amounts to 40.7% of headline earnings, for the six months ended August 31, 2020. The dividend is declared out of income reserves of the Group. The dividend will be subject to a dividend withholding tax rate of 20% or 1.10 cents per ordinary share. Shareholders, unless exempt or qualifying for a reduced withholding tax rate, will receive a net dividend of 4.40 cents per share. The company's tax reference number is 9053981180. Last date to trade ‘cum? dividend is December 1, 2020. Shares commence trading ‘ex’ dividend is December 2, 2020. Record date is December 4, 2020. The dividend will be payable on December 7, 2020.