Netronix, Inc. & Wuxi DSP Technologies Inc., jointly announced entering into a license agreement pertaining to the market development and commercialization of a first in its kind processor combining IoT + AI to create a more efficient connected world. The collaboration lays the groundwork for new system applications in smart-homes, smart-cities, self-driving cars, and anything connected by the Internet. Unlike microprocessors, each low-cost small form factor chip processor has 3-DSP cores, enabling quicker & heightened computational power in the field and embedded with Netronix’s IoT package, boasts optimized cloud-use, enabling any device to become smarter and part of IoT. The solution addresses the industry-wide need for more affordable IoT solutions with edge-processing, AI and the utmost security throughout all layers of the network. The results are affordable devices and services with more functionality, renewed buyer confidence, & a secure Internet of things market.