Information on purchase of Netia shares by a person closely related to the Supervisory Board member (58/2015)

Warsaw, Poland - August 27, 2015 - Netia SA ("Netia" or the "Company") (WSE: NET), Poland's largest alternative provider of fixed-line telecommunication services, announced that today it received a notification from a person holding a position of the Company's Supervisory Board member, whereby this person advised that the company being the person closely related to the person holding a position of the Company's Supervisory Board member in accordance with Article 160 par. 2 pt. 4 of the Act on Trading In the Financial Instruments dated 29 July 2005 (Journal of Laws. 2005, No. 183, item 1538 amended), purchased on the Warsaw Stock Exchange:

-10,873 ordinary bearer shares of the Company on August 21, 2015 at the average price of PLN 5.49000000 per share, which were settled on August 25, 2015,

-636,234 ordinary bearer shares of the Company on August 24, 2015 at the average price of PLN 5.49286374 per share, which were settled on August 26, 2015,

-76,414 ordinary bearer shares of the Company on August 25, 2015 at the average price of PLN 5.47471301 per share, which were settled on August 27, 2015,

-600,701 ordinary bearer shares of the Company on August 26, 2015 at the average price of PLN 5.48874592 per share, which will be settled on August 28, 2015.

Legal basis:

Section 160 of the Act on Trading In the Financial Instruments dated 29 July 2005 (Journal of Laws. 2005, No. 183, item 1538 amended).

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