NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kristen Antonellis, Neogen Corporation


620 Lesher Place

Lansing, Michigan 48912

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ANSR® for Salmonella earns AOAC approval as a rapid confirmation method

LANSING, Mich., Jan. 14, 2014 - Neogen's innovative DNA-definitive ANSR® for Salmonella has been granted AOAC Official MethodsSM status (#2013.14) for use as a confirmatory method. ANSR's 30-minute method eliminates the need for cumbersome traditional biochemical confirmatory procedures that can take up to
24 hours.
A comprehensive AOAC validation study proved that Neogen's ANSR for Salmonella can be used as a rapid, accurate, adjunct or alternative to biochemical testing for the identification of presumptive Salmonella spp. isolates. The rapid confirmation results minimize the effects of screening test errors, and expedite the entire testing process.
"This latest AOAC approval for the ANSR system represents significant time savings for laboratories, as
the approved ANSR confirmatory method for the identification of presumptive colonies can be completed in about 30 minutes. Traditional biochemical methods can take up to 24 hours," said Dr. Mark Mozola, Neogen's vice president of research and development. "The approved confirmatory procedure allows the use of ANSR for Salmonella to determine if a presumptive colony on selective/differential or non-selective agar media is Salmonella species, or to confirm positive results obtained from other screening methods, including molecular methods and lateral flow devices."
The validation study showed the ANSR for Salmonella confirmation test procedure is effective for the identification of Salmonella species in colonies grown on a variety of selective or differential agar media as indicated in FDA's Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) and USDA's Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook (MLG), including: tryptic soy agar, hektoen enteric agar, xylose lysine deoxycholate agar, bismuth sulfite agar, brilliant green sulfa agar, xylose lysine tergitol agar, and double-modified lysine iron agar.
This latest AOAC approval of the ANSR for Salmonella assay complements its June 2012 AOAC Performance Tested MethodSM approval for use of the ANSR system to detect Salmonella in food matrices including raw ground beef, raw ground turkey, chicken carcass rinse, hot dogs, oat cereal, and sponge or swab samples from stainless steel, plastic, ceramic tile, sealed concrete, and rubber environmental surfaces; and two subsequent matrix extensions to also include: soy flour, cocoa powder, peanut butter, almonds, dry pet food, pasteurized dried whole egg, pasteurized liquid whole egg, pasteurized frozen egg yolk, pasteurized dried egg white, black pepper, ice cream, raw shrimp and raw spinach.
To learn more about the ANSR system visit
Neogen Corporation (Nasdaq: NEOG) develops and markets products dedicated to food and animal safety. The company's Food Safety Division markets dehydrated culture media, and diagnostic test kits to detect foodborne bacteria, natural toxins, genetic modifications, food allergens, drug residues, plant diseases and sanitation concerns.

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