The Government has launched a new campaign in a bid to educate small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the risks associated with cyber-attacks.

The campaign, which is part of the Home Office's National Cyber Security Programme, aims to change the way people think about online safety.

A new website with interactive guides for SMEs has been launched as part of the "Cyber Streetwise" initiative.

Security minister James Brokenshire said the internet has created a wealth of opportunities, but with these opportunities there are also threats.

He explained: "However, by taking a few simple steps while online the public can keep cyber criminals out and their information safe."

"As a Government we are taking the fight to cyber criminals wherever they are in the world

"Cyber Streetwise is an innovative new campaign that will provide everyone with the knowledge and confidence to make simple and effective changes to stay safe online."

Paul Vlissidis, technical director at NCC Group, said that small businesses are increasingly being targeted by cyber fraudsters and extortionists.

"Having an up to date central point of authoritative advice is a good first step towards improving security posture," he added.

"Cyber security is a moving target so businesses need to keep it on the board agenda and make sure staff are alert. There is no doubt that if you get the basics right you can thwart the great majority of attacks."

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