NCC has been contracted by BO-VEST and Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening to refurbish 303 residential units in the Blokland area of Albertslund on the outskirts of Copenhagen in Denmark. The order value is approximately SEK 440 million. The refurbishment includes new façades, the replacement of doors and windows, and a new roof structure with new roofing.

The contract also includes refurbishing and amalgamating residential units, and building new units on the roofs of the buildings. In addition, the installations in the buildings will largely be replaced. Blokland will be refurbished in five phases, divided between the four building sections to be refurbished and remodeleed - A, B, C and F. Some of the residents will remain in their apartments while the work is ongoing.

The work will commence in spring 2023 and is scheduled for completion in spring 2024. The order value of about SEK 440 million will be registered during the first quarter of 2023 in the NCC Building Nordics business area.