On Friday evening, Navya announced the resignation, with immediate effect, of its CEO Sophie Desormière, which led to a sharp rise in the company's share price on the Paris stock exchange on Monday morning.

This departure comes at a time when the specialist in autonomous mobility systems experienced a turbulent end to 2022, due to the failure of a 30 million euro financing project that was in fact an 'attempted swindle', as it was deemed not to comply with international tax rules.

From now on, CFO and COO Pierre Guibert and R&D and Technology Director Olivier Le Cornec will continue Sophie Desormière's missions and steer the company forward.

Around 45 minutes after opening, the share price jumped by almost 11%, making it the third biggest riser in the CAC Mid & Small index.

Its share price had fallen by around 98% last year.

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