Movement Industries Corporation announced preliminary details on its new process solutions division. The process solutions division will provide engineering, manufacturing, fabrication and installation for mass transfer equipment such as trays, packing, distributors and ancillary hardware for the refining and petrochemical industries, as well as distillation and extraction units for the agriculture industry. Mass transfer is the physical movement of various masses from one location to another, often involving a change in state, such as from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas. Mass transfer occurs in many processes, including evaporation, drying and distillation. As the mass is moved, it is usually filtered for purification or separated into various forms. In practical terms, mass transfer involves the separation and extraction of various usable end products from a raw resource such as oil, gas, corn or hemp. Mass transfer has a major role in most industries and establishing a presence in mass transfer will be a move into the petrochemical space, a recession-resistant industry due to government statutes requiring scheduled maintenance of refineries and the role of the industry in producing almost every product used in the world, from gasoline to plastic spoons, jet fuel to electronics.