CHICAGO, Jan. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Morningstar, Inc. (Nasdaq: MORN), a leading provider of independent investment research, today reported a summary of hedge fund performance for the fourth quarter and full year of 2008 as well as asset flows through November. The Morningstar 1000 Hedge Fund Index lost 10.3% in the fourth quarter of 2008 and 22.2% for the year, wiping out the last two years of gains. The index bounced back slightly after extreme market illiquidity and volatility in January and March, but since May, hedge funds have been on a steady decline. Massive losses in September and October of 7.9% and 9.8%, respectively, quashed any hope of salvaging the year, even though it ended on a positive note - December posted a 2.1% gain.

Morningstar also calculates hedge fund indexes according to the MSCI methodology. The Morningstar with MSCI Asset Weighted Hedge Fund Composite index, which hedges U.S. dollar exposure, lost 12.9% in 2008, while the equally weighted version lost 16.4%, reflecting the poorer performance of the smaller funds.

Investors lost their appetite for hedge funds in 2008, as the vehicles intended to deliver absolute returns were forced to resort to relative claims of success. Since August 2007 - the beginning of the credit crunch - hedge funds have effectively acted as muted versions of equities, providing positive returns only twice when the MSCI World Stock Index was negative. Still, the Morningstar 1000 Hedge Fund Index did outperform the MSCI World Index by a sizeable 20 percentage points for 2008.

"In 2008, hedge fund managers generally failed to deliver," said Morningstar Hedge Fund Analyst Nadia Papagiannis. "The average hedge fund may have lost less than the stock market, thanks in part to large cash allocations, but this level of performance was not why investors agreed to pay 2% management fees and 20% performance fees."

Indeed, investors redeemed assets aggressively in 2008. Hedge fund inflows peaked in June 2007 and bottomed in October 2008, when more than $21 billion left the industry. In November 2008, another $19.4 billion flowed out of hedge funds, setting the year-to-date outflows at more than $44 billion. Hedge fund investors showed a strong tendency toward performance chasing, investing more after positive months and withdrawing assets after down months. Investors following this strategy ended up losing less than the index, as the markets trended increasingly downward as the year progressed.

High redemptions and little possibility of collecting performance fees in the near future, led hedge funds to shutter in record numbers in 2008. The number of funds dropping out of Morningstar's database increased more than 150% in 2008 from 2007 - 1,158 single-manager funds and 490 funds of funds were removed in 2008 compared to 434 single-manager funds and 208 funds of funds in 2007. (Funds are removed from Morningstar's database if the fund liquidates, if the manager wishes to stop reporting returns, or if funds fail to report returns for six months.)

Emerging market equities proved to be the worst strategy in 2008. Effectively a market-return strategy, these funds are only able to invest in stocks or hold cash, as shorting emerging markets holdings is very difficult. Emerging stock markets performed worse than other markets, as skittish investors pulled capital out of risky assets. Although emerging markets bounced back in December, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index lost almost 55% in 2008 while the Morningstar Emerging Market Equity Hedge Fund Index lost 45.6% in 2008 and 20.7% in the last quarter alone.

The ability to hedge helped the Morningstar with MSCI Developed Markets Hedge Fund Index, which lost only 11.9% in 2008. Of the developed market equities funds, Europe equity hedge funds fared the best on a relative basis. The Morningstar Europe Equity Hedge Fund Index beat the MSCI Europe stock index by about 30 percentage points in 2008. The Asian Equity Hedge Fund Index also outperformed the MSCI AC Asia Index by more than 19 percentage points. Late in the year, European and Asian hedge funds got some relief, as governments announced rate cuts and stimulus packages, boosting the equity markets.

The best-performing strategy this year was global trend following, a systematic strategy that tracks price trends in liquid derivatives such as futures, options, and currency forwards. The Morningstar Global Trend Hedge Fund Index gained 7.4% in the fourth quarter of 2008 and 9.8% for 2008 overall. In the first half of the year, these funds profited from an upward trend in commodities and a downward trend in the U.S. dollar, as uncertainty over the U.S. economy led to increased investment in "hard" assets. The third quarter saw a sharp reversal in these trends, catching global trend funds by surprise. But these funds recovered in the fourth quarter, as the drop in oil and the rise of the U.S. dollar sustained.

Global non-trend-following funds, which trade the same instruments as global trend funds but in a more discretionary manner, gained 0.9% in the fourth quarter, ending the year down 1.2% - less than every other losing category. These funds benefited from the liquidity of the instruments that they trade, enabling them to get in and out of the market quickly.

Convertible arbitrage funds took a big hit in 2008. The Morningstar Convertible Arbitrage Hedge Fund Index dropped 13.1% over the quarter and 24.9% over the year. In May 2008, convertible bond issuance hit an all-time high as financial firms desperately sought capital. But in September 2008, when these same financial firms' stocks suffered major damage, the Securities and Exchange Commission and Financial Services Authority banned the ability to short them. This caused convertible arbitrage funds, which typically take long positions in convertible bonds hedged with short positions in the related stock, to plunge into the abyss. As convertible bonds continued to be viewed as risky assets, and as yields on risky debt rose sharply, these leveraged funds were subjected to margin calls and forced selling.

Plagued by a similar fate, funds in the Morningstar Debt Arbitrage and Morningstar Global Debt Hedge Fund Indexes plunged 8.2% and 18.7%, respectively, in the last three months of the year, and 16.7% and 28.5%, respectively, in 2008, as investors fleeing to Treasuries caused credit spreads to widen to near-Depression-era levels in even investment-grade corporate bonds. Defaults on high-yield bonds rose to a record high in November, thereby squeezing the price of high-yield securities and sending the Morningstar Distressed Securities Hedge Fund Index down 16.1% for the fourth quarter, and 25.3% for the year. Hedge funds buying distressed assets early in the credit crunch saw their investments deteriorate even further alongside the economy.

Poor timing and illiquidity also took a toll on corporate actions funds. The Morningstar Corporate Actions Hedge Fund Index dropped 28.9% in 2008, including 13.2% for the final quarter. These value-seeking funds look for events such as privatizations, mergers and acquisitions, share repurchases, IPOs, and spin-offs to enhance share value, but such events proved scarce during the steep bear market. Tight credit, badly performing equity, and lack of institutional-investor demand turned the leveraged buyout boom, which peaked in mid-2007, to bust in 2008. This year also witnessed the collapse of a record number of merger and acquisition deals and a 50% drop in IPO activity. "The easy credit bubble burst, and along with it a great many hedge funds," Papagiannis added.

December returns and November asset flows for the Morningstar Hedge Fund Indexes are based on funds that reported as of Jan. 19, 2009. Returns for the Morningstar Hedge Fund Indexes with MSCI are based on funds that reported December performance as of Jan. 15, 2009.

As announced in September 2008, Morningstar is also now calculating hedge fund indexes by applying the MSCI Hedge Fund Index Methodology and Hedge Fund Classification Standard to Morningstar's hedge fund database. These indexes demonstrate the performance of hedge funds to investors who have hedged their currency exposure back into U.S. dollars. The MSCI Hedge Fund Index Methodology classifies hedge funds by investment process, geography, and asset class.

Morningstar has approximately 8,400 hedge funds and funds of hedge funds in its database. The Morningstar 1000 Hedge Fund Index, a global, broadly representative benchmark for hedge fund performance, has return history from January 2003. The index is composed of the top 90% of eligible assets in Morningstar's hedge fund database. For the purposes of the index, Morningstar counts funds with shared portfolios as a single hedge fund; funds of hedge funds are excluded from consideration. The index is updated daily for the previous month-end, rebalanced monthly, and reconstituted semi-annually. In addition, Morningstar has 17 category indexes and four broad category indexes based on Morningstar's strategy-specific classification system for hedge funds. Morningstar's hedge fund indexes are not investable.

This press release is not intended to be an offer or solicitation for the sale of hedge funds. The information is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. When considering hedge funds, investors should consider various risks, including the fact that some products engage in leveraging and other speculative investment practices that may increase the risk of investment loss, can be illiquid, are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation information to investors, may involve complex tax structures and delays in distributing important tax information, are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as mutual funds, often charge high fees, and in many cases the underlying investments are not transparent and are known only to the investment manager. The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in trading can lead to large losses as well as gains. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

About Morningstar, Inc.

Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The company offers an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisors, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on more than 290,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles. The company has operations in 19 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in three other countries.

(C)2009 Morningstar Inc. All rights reserved.

    Morningstar Hedge                                       Fourth
    Fund Index              October   November   December   Quarter   Annual
    Performance             Return    Return     Return     Return    Return
    December 2008           2008      2008       2008       2008      2008
    ------------------      -------   --------   --------   -------   -------
    Morningstar 1000
     HF PR USD                -9.81      -2.53       2.05    -10.29    -22.15
    Morningstar HF Of
     Funds PR USD             -9.39      -2.70       1.82    -10.23    -22.24

    Morningstar Hedge
     Fund Category Indexes
    Morningstar Convtbl
     Arbitrage HF PR USD     -16.23      -2.17       6.01    -13.12    -24.91
    Morningstar Corporate
     Actions HF PR USD       -11.24      -3.16       1.03    -13.15    -28.93
    Morningstar Debt
     Arbitrage HF PR USD      -9.09      -0.26       1.29     -8.15    -16.73
    Morningstar Distressed
     Secs HF PR USD           -9.12      -5.23      -2.58    -16.10    -25.30
    Morningstar Dvlp Asia
     Equity HF PR USD         -8.71      -0.35       4.98     -4.50    -22.38
    Morningstar EM
     Equity HF PR USD        -17.05      -4.59       0.15    -20.74    -45.62
    Morningstar Equity
     Arbitrage HF PR USD      -4.32      -0.30       2.94     -1.81     -4.63
    Morningstar Europe
     Equity HF PR USD         -9.87      -1.34       3.76     -7.74    -18.73
    Morningstar Global
     Debt HF PR USD          -15.99      -4.21       1.04    -18.70    -28.47
    Morningstar Global
     Equity HF PR USD        -12.79      -2.57       3.50    -12.06    -29.76
    Morningstar Global
     Non Trend HF PR USD      -2.81       1.08       2.75      0.94     -1.21
    Morningstar Global
     Trend HF PR USD           3.34       0.80       3.13      7.42      9.82
    Morningstar Multistrategy
     HF PR USD                -9.67      -2.68       0.96    -11.24    -21.75
    Morningstar Short
     Equity HF PR USD          5.81      -5.24      -1.02     -0.75      1.80
    Morningstar US
     Equity HF PR USD        -11.23      -6.51       0.22    -16.82    -28.24
    Morningstar US Small
     Cap Eqty HF PR USD      -14.10      -5.89       1.37    -18.05    -32.95

    Morningstar Broad
     Hedge Fund Category
    Morningstar Arbitrage
     HF PR USD                -8.27      -0.66       2.70     -6.41    -13.52
     Equity HF PR USD        -11.99      -3.72       2.12    -13.46    -29.82
     Event HF PR USD         -10.65      -4.04       0.02    -14.25    -27.04
    Morningstar Global
     Derivatives HF PR USD    -0.42       0.97       2.89      3.45      4.40

    Morningstar Hedge Fund
     Indexes With MSCI
    Morningstar HF Composit
     Asset wght wMSCI         -4.25      -0.74       0.50     -4.48    -12.91
    Morningstar HF Composit
     Equal wght wMSCI         -5.61      -1.64       0.76     -6.45    -16.37

    Morningstar HF Developed
     Markets wMSCI            -4.33      -1.66       0.85     -5.12    -11.91
    Morningstar HF Emerging
     Markets wMSCI           -12.02      -2.65      -0.90    -15.12    -33.41
    Morningstar HF Europe
     wMSCI                    -3.20       0.00      -0.02     -3.22    -11.56
    Morningstar HF Global
     Markets wMSCI            -7.09      -0.75       1.36     -6.54    -22.73
    Morningstar HF Japan
     wMSCI                    -5.04       1.12       1.61     -2.42    -12.56
    Morningstar HF North
     America wMSCI            -7.05      -3.82       0.63    -10.04    -18.60

    Process Groups
    Morningstar HF Directional
     Trading wMSCI             1.37       1.36       1.41      4.20      3.50
    Morningstar HF
     MultiProcess Grp wMSCI   -5.59      -2.36      -0.58     -8.35    -19.73
    Morningstar HF Relative
     Value wMSCI              -7.06      -1.11       2.06     -6.20    -14.26
    Morningstar HF Security
     Selection wMSCI          -8.49      -3.08       0.47    -10.89    -24.99
    Morningstar HF Specialist
     Credit wMSCI             -8.79      -3.51      -3.06    -14.69    -21.86

    Morningstar HF Composite
     Core Fds wMSCI           -5.21      -1.46       0.80     -5.84    -15.25
    Morningstar HF Composite
     Small Fds wMSCI          -5.96      -2.05       0.74     -7.20    -17.30

    Market Indexes
    MSCI AC Asia USD         -18.73      -3.14       8.69    -14.43    -41.62
    MSCI EM USD              -27.50      -7.63       7.60    -27.94    -54.48
    MSCI Europe USD          -21.32      -7.23       5.18    -23.22    -48.20
    MSCI World USD           -19.05      -6.72       3.06    -22.18    -42.08
    S&P 500 TR               -16.79      -7.18       1.06    -21.94    -37.00
    Russell 2000 TR USD      -20.80     -11.83       5.80    -26.12    -33.79
    USTREAS T-Bill
     Auction Ave 3 Mon         0.07       0.03       0.00      0.10      1.51
    BarCap Global
     Aggregate TR USD         -3.69       2.89       6.21      5.25      4.79

    *All assets are in U.S. dollar terms
    **For the Morningstar Hedge Fund Indexes, assets are based on hedge funds
    that reported performance as of Jan. 19, 2008. For the Morningstar Hedge
    Fund Indexes With MSCI, assets are based on hedge funds that reported
    performance as of Jan. 15, 2008.  Hedge funds flows are based on hedge
    funds that reported November net assets and performance as of Jan. 19,

    Morningstar has been advised by legal counsel that the publication of
    hedge-fund specific information could violate the United States
    Securities and Exchange Commission prohibition on general solicitation
    under rules relied upon by hedge funds in general.

    Estimated Net Flow by Morningstar
     Category Through November 2008 ($mil)     1 Mo       QTD       YTD
    Convertible Arbitrage                     $(230)    $(378)  $(1,620)
    Corporate Actions                         $(364)  $(1,858)  $(3,090)
    Debt Arbitrage                            $(309)  $(1,540)  $(2,158)
    Developed Asia Equity                   $(1,126)  $(1,892)  $(3,763)
    Distressed Securities                     $(217)    $(841)   $3,468
    Emerging Market Equity                    $(947)  $(2,186)  $(3,139)
    Equity Arbitrage                        $(1,857)  $(3,678)  $(2,517)
    Europe Equity                           $(2,806)  $(5,076) $(16,065)
    Global Debt                               $(565)  $(1,809)  $(5,588)
    Global Equity                             $(576)  $(1,697)  $(1,175)
    Global Non-Trend                        $(1,894)  $(4,621)     $(14)
    Global Trend                            $(4,199)  $(6,546)   $5,567
    Multi-strategy                          $(1,918)  $(4,924)  $(1,404)
    Short Equity                               $(21)      $27       $78
    U.S. Equity                             $(2,386)  $(5,038) $(13,024)
    U.S. Small Cap Equity                        $5     $(184)      $27
    Estimated Total Net Flow ($mil)        $(19,410) $(42,241) $(44,417)

    Estimated Net Flow by Rating
     Through November 2008 ($mil)            1 Mo       QTD       YTD
    5-Star                                  $(3,546)  $(5,106)   $6,250
    4-Star                                  $(5,205) $(12,230)  $(1,145)
    3-Star                                  $(6,055) $(13,679) $(31,694)
    2-Star                                  $(1,439)  $(6,046) $(18,525)
    1-Star                                    $(229)  $(1,498)  $(6,078)
    Not Rated                               $(2,936)  $(3,683)   $6,775
    Estimated Total Net Flow ($mil)        $(19,410) $(42,242) $(44,417)

    Media Contact:
    Alexa Auerbach 312-696-6481,

SOURCE Morningstar, Inc.