Julie Vecera

The PH in your body (potential hydrogen) is depicted on a scale of 0.0 to 14.0. If your PH sits on the low end then you're more acidic while a higher PH means you're more alkaline. Our PH controls things such as our metabolic function, enzyme activity and even the vaginal PH. Why does that mean anything you may ask? Well, the cervical mucus needs to be alkaline so the sperm can survive for up to 48hrs inside the reproductive organs. If the PH is too acidic then the cervical mucus creates a hostile environment for the survival of sperm.

The natural mechanism of the body is designed to produce more alkaline mucus during ovulation by producing a surge of LH (luteinizing hormone). So nature has it all under control right? Well, no. If we throw off the PH balance by consuming too many acidic foods and beverages then we have to try and fix it. It's not only poor diet that causes acidity; it's also lack of exercise, stress and pollutants that throw us out of whack. Ideally our PH should sit at around 6.4 and to bring the body to this ideal balance our diets need to be around 75% alkaline and 25% acidic.

Many experts say that over-acidity is the major cause of chronic inflammation in the body which plays a huge role in diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases and many cancers.

Don't worry, there is something you can do about it! If your body is too acidic then you can correct is through diet. Here are some tips:

  • Eat red meat only occasionally or in some cases remove it completely
  • Limit or eliminate coffee and black tea and note that milk makes it more acidic
  • Remove sodas and high sugar consumption
  • Drink plenty of water, preferably filtered
  • Start each day with warm water and lemon juice or a tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Even though lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are both acidic, they actually help the body to become more alkaline
  • Eat LOTS of vegetables, especially greens which are very alkalising
  • Grains and legumes can be soaked to make them more alkalising, although they are only slightly acidic so don't worry too much
  • Try to buy organic when you can, to avoid chemicals and pesticides
  • And remember, digestion begins in the mouth! It is so important to chew your food well and avoid drinking with meals so the body can utilise its natural alkalising saliva to neutralise food before it hits the stomach.

If you're interested in checking your PH level; PH kits are available for purchase from most pharmacies.

Dr Julie Rani Vecera is a Chinese Medical Practitioner, Nutritional Advisor and Acupuncturist. She is available for private consultations in various locations in Melbourne.bumpcarlton.com.au or bumplusnutrition.com

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