A growing world needs a stable food supply. We went into farming in Brazil to provide just that.

Financial Times

Jan. 23, 2014

Mitsui & Co. has a long history as a grain trader. But that didn't stop us completely overhauling our business model a few years ago. Now, through our 100% subsidiary Multigrain, we grow soybeans, corn and cotton on 120,000 hectares of our own farmland in Brazil.

Establishing a presence at the first stage of the value chain was clearly the best way to secure a reliable supply for our customers. More than that, because we produce non-genetically modified soybeans, our customers can be sure that we're as committed to food safety as they are.

Mitsui is proud to be part of Brazil's economic growth, and proud also to be helping produce the food that our fast-growing world needs.

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