Company number 03744133.
("MIR" or the "Company")

Interim Report for the six months ended 31 December 2012 Chairman's review

The Company has undergone a change of name, leadership and strategic direction during the period under review and on 31 October 2012 was renamed Mining Investments Resources plc.

The previous business direction undertaken up to 30 June 2012 has been abandoned as it was considered unsuccessful and all known financial liabilities relating to the previous business were provided for in the accounts for the year ended 30 June 2012. On 28 August 2012 the Company raised approximately £690,000 by the placing of 69,074,119 new shares and 44,537,059 warrants with investors and on 29 August 2012 a further 3,687,501 shares were issued to the two outgoing directors in settlement of outstanding fees. On 28 August two new Directors were appointed to replace the outgoing Directors.


MIR's objective is to seek investment opportunities in the mining industry in Russia.

To achieve this objective, MIR entered into a Strategic Alliance Agreement with Artel Vostok during the period. Artel Vostok principally operates alluvial gold mines on the Pacific coast of Russia. The opportunities created by this relationship continue to be developed, alongside other opportunities in this part of Russia.

In addition, MIR is currently in negotiations to invest in a company which has a controlling interest in a silver mine in the Primorsky region of Russia and three exploration licences located in the vicinity of the mine. A letter of intent has been entered into which is conditional on due diligence and negotiation of an investment agreement, which will define the terms of the transaction.


Of the funds raised by the share issue £563,830 was initially invested in quoted mining stocks whilst longer term opportunities such as described above were being more fully explored. At the period end these investments had yielded a realised net gain of £81,001 and investments still held at a cost of £332,117 were standing at an unrealised gain of £16,777. Total administrative expenses, including directors' fees, during the period were £137,848.


Since 31 December MIR has continued to develop the relationship with Artel Vostok and has also approved preparatory expenditure on due diligence, including geology, financial and legal reports, on the Primorsky Silver Project in Eastern Russia. Should the due diligence on possible investments prove positive it is likely that the Company will look to raise further funds to fully exploit these opportunities.

On behalf of the Board Michael Nosworthy
26 March 2013

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