The R&D Project on Installation Technologies for High-precision Equipment of Large-sized Steel-rolling Production Line, which was undertaken by China 20MCC Construction Group (20MCC Group), passed through acceptance by experts on December 19, 2013. This is one of the central-level research and development projects on new construction technologies designated by the Ministry of Finance (MOF). The assessment for acceptance was carried out by MCC Group as entrusted by MOF.
Through efforts made in the past two years, the R&D Team completed research work on three key technologies. Among these research results, the Space Positioning Technology for Installation of Large-sized Equipment and the Monitoring & Measurement Technologies for Installation Space of Large-sized Equipment will resolve the technical difficulties in the space positioning and monitoring/measurement during the installation work of large equipment. In addition, the Comprehensive Technology for On-line Transformation of Key Equipment will resolve the controlling difficulties on off-line assembly as well as the levelness/verticality of the integral erection and stability of the equipment. These technologies have been successfully applied to several projects and have generated remarkable economic and social benefits, for instance, the 4700mm Wide Thick Plate Works of Nanjing Steel Group, the 1580mm Hot-rolling Works of Ma'anshan Steel Group and the Straightener Works of Baosteel's Thick Plate Plant.
Under this project, three items of scientific achievements have been achieved. The Hoisting and Fixing Technology for Large Mill Housing is rated to be of international advanced level. The Key Technologies for Installation of Limited Spatial Structure and Equipment, as well as the Technologies on Off-line Installation, Commissioning & Integral Erection of Straighten Device, have been rated to be of domestic leading level. In addition, application has been submitted for 25 items of patent (including 8 items of invention patent); 4 construction methods have been developed; and 9 theses have been published.

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