By Chris Struhar, Engineering Manager

Facebook is a space where people from all over the world gather every day to share their thoughts and participate in real-time conversations, from the highlights of the Golden Globes to the passing of Nelson Mandela.

Today we're announcing Trending, a new product that's designed to surface interesting and relevant conversations in order to help you discover the best content from all across Facebook.

To the right of your News Feed, you'll see a list of topics that have recently spiked in popularity. The list is personalized, including topics based on things you're interested in and what is trending across Facebook overall. Each topic is accompanied by a headline that briefly explains why it is trending. You can click on any headline to see the most interesting posts from your friends or Pages that are talking about that particular topic.

Trending is currently rolling out on web in select countries and we are going to continue to test on mobile. As with other features, expect continuous improvements from us over time.

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