Public transport made available BPay mobile ticketing app in Bucharest

Societatea de Transport Bucuresti (STB) has announced that Masabi, Mastercard and UniCredit Bank will bring the BPay mobile ticketing app to public transport across the Romanian capital city, Bucharest.

The multi-lingual mobile ticketing app allows for cashless travel on Urban, Express, Regional and City Bus Tour routes with daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly tickets offered.

"We started – a few years ago – a plan for Bucharest to become a Smart City and this new, modern paying instrument for the public transport is part of it" said Gabriela Firea, General Mayor of Bucharest. "Our goal is to offer to all the people who travel in Bucharest innovative technology that provides operational benefits as well as simplifying the transport experience for our passengers."

"With the launch of BPay, travelling in Bucharest has never been so easy," said Andrei George Creci, General Manager of STB. "Masabi's Justride technology has been deployment-proven in cities across the world, and offers innovative technology that provides operational benefits as well as simplifying the transport experience for our passengers. We have been delighted with the rollout process to date, and look forward to continuing to work with the Masabi team."

"Across the globe, Masabi continues to set the pace for deployments and innovation in transport fare payments. The addition of Bucharest to the Justride family marks yet another capital city adopting the technology to make access to public transport quick and easy for both everyday commuters and tourists," said Brian Zanghi, CEO of Masabi. "Working in conjunction with our partners Mastercard, UniCredit Bank, STB and Bucharest City Hall, we are delighted to be bringing cutting edge ticketing innovation to Romania."

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