Marijuana Company of America Inc. and its Joint Venture partner Global Hemp Group Inc. announced that clone production for the 2019 season at their Scio, Oregon High Yielding CBD Hemp project is now in high gear, in preparation for an as early as possible planting this year. Unlike 2018, which had a late start to planting due to delays in finalizing the acquisition of the project's 109 acre farm, preparations are underway so that planting of this year's crop can begin in late May to early June. This will provide an additional 45 to 60 days of growing time compared to last year, allowing time for the hemp plants to get considerably larger, which will generate a greater quantity of biomass.

For 2019, the project will cultivate three hemp strains which will offer high CBD content, substantial biomass yield, and ultra low THC levels, along with superior pest resistance and disease tolerance. These strains also have a shorter flowering period, which will allow for an earlier harvest, before the usual Fall rainy season begins in the region. The hardiest phenotypes were selected for mother plants that will feed the cloning process, which began back in November 2018 soon after the recent harvest and drying operation was complete.

This cloning operation will produce the approximately 40,000+ clones required to plant on the farm's lower 35 acres.