The shareholders of Marfrig Alimentos S.A. ("Company") are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting scheduled to convene at 11:15 a.m. on January 22, 2014, in the registered office of the Company located at Avenida Chedif Jafet 222, Tower A, 5th floor, Suite 01, district of Vila Olímpia, in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Postal Code (CEP) 04551-065, to consider the following Order of Business:
1. Decision regarding the proposed issuance, in a single series, and private placement of simple, unsecured debentures convertible into common shares, in total amount of two billion, one hundred and fifty million Brazilian reais (R$2,150,000,000.00), which would constitute the 5th Debenture Issue of the Company ("5th Issue"). The principal features of this 5th Issue are as follows: Total Issue Amount: two billion, one hundred and fifty million Brazilian reais (R$
2,150,000,000.00); Series: one (1) series; Unitary Nominal Amount: ten thousand Brazilian reais (R$10,000.00); Use of Proceeds: the proceeds (in Brazilian reais) from the 5th Issue will be used in redeeming 2nd issue debentures ("2nd Debenture Issue"); Debenture Yield: starting from the issue date, interest will accrue on the Unitary Nominal Amount at the rate of one hundred percent (100%) of the overnight "extragrupo" interbank lending rate (DI), which is the annualized accumulated variation of the average daily interbank lending rate, expressed as a percentage per annum, as compiled on a daily basis by CETIP S.A. - Mercados Organizados ("CETIP") and released in its daily bulletin on the website ( ("DI Rate"), plus a spread of one percent (1%) per annum pursuant to a Business Days/252 day-count convention (two hundred and fifty-two business days) (the "Yield"); Type: unsecured; Duration, Maturity Date: the debentures mature within thirty-six (36) months after the issue date, which will be January 25,
2014; Coupon Payment Date: January 25, 2015, January 25, 2016 and last coupon payment to
take place as of the Maturity Date on January 25, 2017; Trustee: Planner Trustee DTVM S.A.
Assuming approval is granted for the 5th Debenture Issue, authorization must be granted for the Executive Board of Officers to take any and all actions required to implement and give effect to the 5th Debenture Issue, including with powers to hire a bank to act as registrar and paying agent, and a trustee for the 5th Issue, as well as to agree the Indenture and any subsequent addenda thereto within guidelines set at the General Meeting. You should note the proposed debenture issue and related documentation have been submitted to the Fiscal Council of the Company, which has recommended the proposal be put forward to the shareholders' general meeting.
2. Decision on amending the Bylaws of the Company, as follows: i) amending the preamble, article 1 and other references in the Bylaws changing the company name from Marfrig Alimentos S.A. to change to Marfrig Global Foods S.A.; ii) amending article 5 of the Bylaws in order to update the monetary expression of the capital stock and the number of shares issued and outstanding in line with decisions leading to increase capital stock (within the limit of the authorized share capital) approved by the Board of Directors at meetings held in 2012 (December 4, 10, 18 and 21) and on February 5, 2013 (5 pm and 6 pm); iii) amending certain management provisions, so as to: b1) establish that the Company will be represented by two executive officers acting jointly, provided one of them is the Chief Executive Officer, or the General Counsel, or the Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, the other being an Executive Officer
with no Specific Title, and except that the Investor Relations Officer may represent the Company individually strictly when acting within the scope of his functions in such capacity; b2) eliminating the office of Chief Operating Officer, while creating the office of General Counsel; b3) requiring powers of attorney to be granted by two executive officers acting jointly, such as set forth in item (b1) above.
3. Decision on restating the Bylaws, so as to adopt the amendments proposed above.
A hardcopy of the documents related to the topics in the agenda for the general meeting, including the documents required under Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) Ruling 481/2009, are available for shareholders in the registered office of the Company, and accessible in the Investor Relations website at as well as in the websites of BM&FBOVESPA
( and of the Brazilian Securities Commission (
In order to prove capacity as record holder and attend the meeting, shareholders are advised to come bearing proper identification and corporate documents, as applicable, as well as the share ownership statement issued by the custodian for the shares or the Central Securities Depository. Shareholders that wish to appoint a delegate or proxy to attend the meeting in their behalf should have regard to the requirements of article 126 of Brazilian Corporate Law (Law No. 6,404/76, as amended). The Company expects the shareholders to deliver copies of the relevant powers of attorney or corporate documents evidencing capacity and authority of the legal representative, preferably two (2) business days before the date of the extraordinary general meeting. These documents should be delivered care of the Issuer Investor Relations Department to Avenida Chedid Jafet 222, Tower A, 1st floor, district of Vila Olimpia, City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Postal Code (CEP) 04551-065.
São Paulo, January 7, 2014.

Marcos Antonio Molina dos Santos Chairman of the Board of Directors
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