LPKF Laser & Electronics AG has for the first time, delivered a highly automated version of its LIDE system for integration into a semiconductor fab to one of the world's leading semiconductor manufacturers. Following a qualification phase expected to last several months, the customer is planning to use this LIDE system to process glass wafers for microchip production. LPKF's LIDE technology (Laser Induced Deep Etching) enables customers to process thin glass quickly, precisely and without any damage such as micro cracks. The original stability of the glass is fully retained, making LIDE a basic technology for many microsystems technology applications, includ-ing the production of microchips, displays, sensors, or MEMS. In Garbsen, LPKF has recently begun construction of the LPKF Glass Found-ry, a clean room fabrication facility for in-house production of microstructure glass components. From here, the company will soon begin supplying high-precision glass components to customers in various industries across the world. This expansion of the business model enables LPKF to supply customers with structured glass for a wide range of applications.