The board of directors of Louis plc decided to restructure its Corporate Governance Code Committees as follows: Audit Committee: Christos Mavrellis as Independent, Non-Executive ­ Chairman; Takis Taousianis as Independent, Non-Executive; Theodoros Middleton as Non-Independent, Non-Executive; George Lysiotis as Independent, Non-Executive. Remunerations Committee: Cleopatra Kitti as Independent, Non-Executive ­ Chairperson; Takis Taousianis as Independent, Non-Executive; Christos Mavrellis as Independent, Non-Executive. Appointments Committee: Theodoros Middleton as Non-Independent, Non-Executive ­ Chairman; Cleopatra Kitti as Independent, Non-Executive; George Lysiotis as Independent, Non-Executive. Risk Management Committee: Takis Taousianis as Independent, Non-Executive ­ Chairman; Christos Mavrellis as Independent, Non-Executive; Theodoros Middleton as Non-Independent, Non-Executive and George Lysiotis as Independent, Non-Executive.