LiveHire Limited report the signing in late December of its latest Direct Sourcing customer. The customer, a staffing company, is both a customer and a new channel partner with ambitions to use technology to serve its current clients and to expand to additional clients through branded talent communities. The LiveHire platform enables traditional staffing firms the ability to grow, curate and manage private, client branded, contractor workforce talent clouds on behalf of their enterprise clients, in turn scaling their own staffing businesses to new levels of contractor workforce placements and revenues. LiveHire charges an ongoing fee of 1-2% of the contractor salary, which can be absorbed into the staffing provider's own service fees, making the Direct Sourcing solution a zero-capital cost proposition for enterprise clients. Staffing channel partners, once enabled, offer their Managed Direct Sourcing solution to their existing portfolio of enterprise clients, as well as prospective new clients. Managed Direct Sourcing presents the opportunity for large enterprises to improve the quality and speed of their contractor workforce hiring, whilst significantly 1 reducing (upward of 10%) their overall contractor workforce program spend (which averages USD 70M for a Fortune 1000 company). Once implemented, Direct Sourcing scales across the enterprise's contractor workforce as it turns over and new 3 hires are needed. An enterprise typically turns over its entire contractor workforce over 12 months, during which time, the enterprise and staffing partner is expected to maximise the % of new hires through Direct Sourcing via LiveHire, to realise the cost, quality, and speed outcomes.