The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the LHT Holdings Limited refers to its announcement dated 23 October 2023 on the re-designation of Mr. Li Suet Man as a Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Company. The Board announce Mr. Li Suet Man has been appointed as the Non- Executive Chairman of the Board effective 23 April 2024 and Ms Yap Mui Kee shall cease to be to be the Executive Chairman of the Board. Ms Yap Mui Kee remains as the Managing Director and CEO of the Company.

Board Comments: The Nominating Committee have reviewed the experience, qualification and skill set of Mr. Li Suet Man (Mr. Li) and recommended to the board of directors of the Company for the appointment of Mr. Li as the Non-Independent, Non-Executive Chairman of the Board. The Board was of the view that, as Chairman of the Board, Mr. Li will provide strategic leadership to the Board in creating long term value for the Company and the Group. Furthermore, Mr. Li's appointment as Chairman of the Board is also in line with good corporate governance practice to separate the role of Chairman of the Board from that of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer.

Upon Mr. Li's appointment as Non-Independent, Non-Executive Chairman of the Board, Ms Yap Mui Kee shall cease to be the Executive Chairman of the Board. Ms Yap Mui Kee remains as the Managing Director of the Company. Job Title: Non-Independent, Non-Executive Chairman.

Working Experience: April 2005 - Present: Chief Executive Officer and Alternate Director of Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Familial RelationShip: Yes. Father of the substantial shareholder of the Company, Mr. Li Ear. Other DirectorShips Present: Alternate Director and CEO, Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 2. Alternate Director, Feoso (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 3. Alternate Director, Feoso Investment (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 4. Non-Executive Director, The Trading Room Enterprise Pte Ltd. 5. Non-Executive Director, Club Chinois Pte Ltd. 6. Non-Executive Director, Chinois Pte Ltd. 7. Non-Executive Director, Fiyala Pte Ltd. 8. Non-Executive Director, Synectix Pte Ltd. 9. Non-Executive Director, Marina Holistic Exchange Centre Pte.

Ltd. 10. Non-Executive Director, Far East Oil Terminal One Sdn Bhd. Professional Qualifications: Master of Science and Executive Master of Science in Finance - The Bernard M. Baruch College, City University of New York Member of Beta Gamma Sigma.