Koryojyuhan Co., Ltd. (JASDAQ:3495) agreed to acquire Kasumic Co., Ltd. from Is-Gastem Corporation for ¥310 million on January 15, 2019. Contract is expected to be signed on January 17, 2019. Under the terms, 660 shares of Kasumic Co., Ltd. will be acquired. Upon completion, Kasumic Co., Ltd. will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koryojyuhan Co., Ltd. As of February 2018, Kasumic Co., Ltd. reported total assets of ¥706 million and net assets of ¥136.4 million. During the year ended February 2018, Kasumic Co., Ltd. reported sales of ¥647.6 million, operating income of ¥35.1 million and net income of ¥38.6 million. The Board of Directors of Koryojyuhan Co., Ltd. passed a resolution on the transaction on January 15, 2019. The transaction is expected to complete on March 1, 2019.