Kone Oyj announced that the board of directors declared a dividend of EUR 1.395 be paid for each class A share and a dividend of EUR 1.40 be paid for each class B share for the financial year 2011. The date of record for dividend distribution is proposed to be March 8, 2012 and the dividend be paid March 15, 2012. The board of directors of the company proposed amendment of articles of association. The articles of association will be amended as the board of directors of the company shall include a minimum of five and a maximum of ten regular members, as well as a maximum of three deputy members. The board of directors shall elect the Chair of the Board and the Deputy Chair from amongst its members. The term of office of the board of directors shall expire at the end of the first annual general meeting of shareholders following the election. The board of directors is deemed to constitute a quorum when more than a half of its members are present. The summons to a general meeting of shareholders must be published on the website of the company no earlier than three months and no later than three weeks prior to the general meeting of shareholders, but in any case at the latest nine days prior to the record date of the general meeting of shareholders. The board of directors may decide to publish the summon or the notice of the general meeting during the same time limit in one or several newspapers.