Scenario Modelling

Restricting access to Scenario Modelling for a group of users

The current rule of allowing users access to the Scenario Search screen if they have the ability to View Forecasts has been removed in v4.8. A new Login Profile setting called ‘Scenario Access’ has been introduced that specifies the level of access users have to Scenarios.

Preventing Users from changing other users scenarios

A new field called ‘Owner’ is now stored against a scenario. The user who adds the scenario will automatically be set as the owner and it will not be possible to change the owner to a different user.  The new login profile setting for ‘Scenario Access’ can be set to ‘Maintain, Share and Delete Own’ to prevent a user from changing another user’s scenario.

Providing the ability for a user to share a scenario with other users

The ability to share a scenario with other users will be provided in v4.8.The Scenario Edit screen will be extended to allow the selection of users to share the scenario with. If these users have their Scenario access set to ‘Maintain, Share and Delete Own’ they will be able to view the Scenario but will not be able to edit or approve it.

Cloning a Scenario

The ability to clone a scenario will be introduced on the Scenario SearchDashboard screens. The clone operation will copy the scenario and will include the same forecast versionsexcluded projects. When cloning a baselined scenario, the new scenario will be set to non-baselined.

Forecast Security and Scenarios

In v4.8 it will not be possible to view or baseline a scenario if the user does not have the ability to view all the revised forecasts and excluded projects in the scenario. However, if a user does not have the ability to view all the live forecasts in a scenario, they will still be able to access the scenario.

Scenario Baselining

It will now be possible to baseline a scenario, without approving the forecasts. This will be introduced on the Scenario Dashboard and the Scenario Search screens. This will allow users to create multiple, read only snapshots of forecast scenarios for comparison purposes. A new security setting in the Login Profile will control whether a user has the ability to baseline a scenario.

It will be possible to share a baselined scenario with other users and to delete it from the system. Deleting a baselined scenario will mean that any included unapproved forecast versions will become editable.

A forecast version can be included in multiple scenarios (including baselined). It cannot be changed if it is part of a baselined scenario.