Zhang Yu, Chen Zhiguo and Chen Lanzhen won a bid to acquire 4.91% stake in Jinzi Ham Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002515) from Loudi Zhongyu Asset Management Co., Ltd. for approximately CNY 340 million on December 31, 2019. Under the term, Zhang Yu, Chen Zhiguo and Chen Lanzhen will acquire 24 million, 12 million and 12 million shares of Jinzi Ham Co.,Ltd for CNY 117.6 million, CNY 58.8 million and CNY 58.8 million respectively. Post completion, Loudi Zhongyu Asset Management Co., Ltd. will holds 84.26 million shares of Jinzi Ham accounting for 8.61% stake. The transaction is subject to the auction transaction ruling issued by Suzhou Intermediate Court.