Itronics Inc. updated its operations and growth projects progress. Itronics' mission is to enhance the sustainability and utilization of mineral resources by improving the effectiveness of resource use, improving used mineral recovery and re-use, and enhancing new mineral extraction. The Company's focus is on materials that contain recoverable silver, gold, and base metals. The Company's GOLD'n GRO fertilizer technology increases the availability of mineral nutrients to plants thereby improving crop quality and yield. Development of a Ten-Year Expansion Plan Underway: During the first quarter of 2019 the Company, with the assistance of senior industry experts, began development of a detailed 10-year operations and expansion plan. One objective is to produce an operations expansion and financial plan to guide operations development and to define financing needed to support expansion. Itronics is expecting to achieve rapid growth over the next several years, to be driven by GOLD'n GRO fertilizer sales and to be accelerated by development of additional technologies from the Company's portfolio of "Zero Waste Technologies." The company has completed the Reno Operations portion of this plan which defines the capital investment needs and an associated growth path which is primarily driven by growth in sales of the GOLD'n GRO fertilizers. Within three years the growth is expected to be supplemented by circuit board refining and projects to be developed using the breakthrough "Rock Kleen" technology to accomplish recovery of residual silver and gold, while neutralizing residual cyanide by reprocessing silver/gold heap leach tailings at mine sites in Nevada. The Wabuska development and operations planning is just beginning and will be advanced in 2020 as more knowledge of project requirements is gained from on-going research and pilot testing. The Company goal is to begin permitting followed by construction within the next 2 to 3 years. GOLD'n GRO Fertilizer Progress and Developments: This year the GOLD'n GRO sales team has developed and obtained accreditation approval for a plant nutrition training program for Certified Crop Advisers (CCA's), and certified Pest Control Advisers (PCA's) that provides continuing education credits for attendees. The course will be presented at meetings that are attended by its distributor's sales personnel and branch managers in California starting in December 2019. This course was made possible by the unique qualifications of the GOLD'n GRO sales team and fills an important need in the marketplace. In 2019 the GOLD'n GRO sales team expanded a program of application field testing on cherry and almond orchards to determine whether certain of the GOLD'n GRO fertilizers would solve nutrient deficiencies by improving the ability of tree roots to take up nutrients applied to the soil by microsprinkler and drip irrigation. Wide areas in central California are now demonstrating iron deficiency. Field trials that applied GOLD'n GRO 10-0-0+4% Fe demonstrated that the iron was effectively taken up by cherry and almond trees, thereby eliminating iron chlorosis. The application rates used are cost effective for the growers. These successful demonstrations produced increased sales in 2019 and are expected to significantly expand in 2020 as the grower customers gain a better understanding of how the GOLD'n GRO fertilizers work to improve tree crop quality and yield. Two field trials on almonds using a multiple GOLD'n GRO fertilizer approach with supplementation of GOLD'n GRO 10-0-0+4% Fe produced the best yield each grower had achieved on the block of trees that were in the trial. One of the growers received a significant premium per acre for his crop based on nut size and color. The value of the premium was many times greater than the cost of the GOLD'n GRO fertilizer used. The cherry tree trials were started too late to benefit the crop yield, but did visibly improve the health and vigor of the trees as a result of improved nutrient uptake. The Company's GOLD'n GRO sales team also started application field testing on vegetable and fruit crops in the California coastal vegetable and strawberry growing areas. A field trial on strawberries demonstrated that GOLD'n GRO 9-0-2+3% Zn was able to quickly boost levels of certain critical nutrients in strawberries, thereby overcoming some difficult crop limiting nutrient deficiencies. Trials on other berry crops such as blackberries are also being undertaken with very satisfactory results for the growers. Sales of GOLD'n GRO fertilizers for these crops are new and will make an immediate contribution to growth for the Company beginning in late 2019 and continuing into 2020 and future years. Similar field trials have been initiated on broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. These trials are for complete crop cycles and are still underway. They are using multiple GOLD'n GRO fertilizers and mid-growth tissue tests are demonstrating very satisfactory results. Widespread vegetable crop nutrient deficiencies are showing up in the coastal California growing areas. The GOLD'n GRO fertilizers are demonstrating the ability to cost effectively overcome some of the more significant nutrient deficiencies. Solving these deficiencies for the vegetable growers presents an important new growth opportunity for the GOLD'n GRO fertilizers in 2020 and future years. Pilot Scale Breakthrough Technology Circuit Board Refining: The Itronics' R&D group is successfully increasing silver content in the bullion being produced by the pilot scale circuit board refining operation, while improving the operating reliability of the refining furnaces. An operating routine has been developed for the furnaces and bullion production is becoming much more consistent. The Company expects that the amount of bullion per shipment will increase over the next few shipments and that the value of the shipments will be increased by a combination of increased silver content and the continuing increases in gold and silver prices. The Company's pilot plant operation, using only two furnaces, is expected to produce 3 to 4 bullion shipments and one glass shipment per year going forward. The pilot scale operation has demonstrated that the current furnace heating technology cannot easily be scaled up. As a result, the company is planning to engineer and install an electric induction furnace which uses an entirely different method of putting heat into the melt and can be readily scaled up once it is proven. The furnaces are operated in pairs, so successful implementation of the new furnace will result in a second furnace being installed. The two furnaces will then be used to provide engineering design data to serve as the basis for larger scale furnaces to be installed at the Wabuska Green Technology Campus that the Company is developing.