INVO Bioscience, Inc. announced that it has advanced its commercialization efforts into the European fertility market by securing initial orders of INVOcell in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain. INVOcell will initially be available at three separate existing fertility clinics which have placed orders and commenced training. The Company is working with a logistics provider to assist with all customs details relating to importing the INVOcell into the country and it will continue to evaluate distributor type relationships and joint venture opportunities to further expand INVOcell's presence throughout the region. Spain has a total population of approximately 47 million people. According to the World Bank, Spain has one of the lowest fertility rates in Europe, affecting approximately 15% of the population, or one in seven couples of reproductive ages. According to reports, in 2010, there were approximately one million couples requesting assisted reproductive treatment, however only 22% received one or more assisted reproductive treatment cycles. The average waiting time for an IUI or IVF cycle in a public health facility was 339 days. INVO Bioscience's entry into Spain compliments its previous announced distribution and JV agreements covering the United States, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan, Nigeria, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, North Macedonia, Iran and Pakistan.