Intermap Technologies announced a contract with one of the top 5 video game developers to provide custom digital surface models (DSMs) for the creation of realistic in-game environments. By leveraging Intermap?s NEXTMap® 3D DSMs, video game developers can depict terrain as it exists in real life, enhancing the authenticity of the user experience. The consistency and accuracy of Intermap?s data reduce the time and effort required by designers to achieve environments that closely resemble real life.

This efficiency is a critical benefit for game developers, enabling them to bring new games to the market quickly without limitations imposed by older, coarser public data sources. Today?s agreement includes a service to align Intermap?s data solution with the client?s other reference sources, such as imagery, resulting in substantial time and cost savings. This seamless integration underscores the Company?s commitment to delivering comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of its clients.