Integral Ad Science announced the appointment of Kevin Alvero as Head of Global Compliance, effective immediately. Alvero, a widely renowned industry authority who was at Nielsen for 20 years, will lead the global accreditation process and manage compliance worldwide for IAS. Prior to joining IAS, Alvero was Senior Vice President, Internal Audit, Compliance, and Governance at Nielsen Holdings Inc., the information, data, and market measurement firm.

At Nielsen, Alvero led the internal audit program around the company's products and services while also maintaining responsibility for the external audit process performed by industry bodies such as the Media Rating Council (MRC). Under Alvero's leadership, Nielsen led the industry by submitting more products and services to the MRC for accreditation than any other company. Alvero holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of South Florida, a Master of Science from Purdue University, and a Master of Business Administration from Rochester Institute of Technology.