Ingenico SA announced that Creative Mobile Technologies (CMT), LLC, has selected Ingenico's next generation Telium2 iPP350 PIN Pad as their preferred secure point-of-sale (POS) device for taxis in cities across the United States. In preparation for the migration to EMV chip cards in the U.S., CMT has completed the integration of the iPP350 and is already piloting the device in 300 cabs in San Jose, CA as part of its premier in-taxi FREEdom Solutions suite. The tailored solution is specifically designed by 'the industry for the industry' to enable taxicab drivers to accept current and future payment types within a secure, consumer-facing way and to enable taxi riders to have a seamless and quick customer transaction experience.

Both companies closely collaborated to conclude the certification and integration of Ingenico's iPP350 hardware and application with CMT's dispatch and meter system. With the certification in place, CMT has already started a nationwide rollout with the iPP350 PIN Pads in fourth quarter of 2012 and will continue in first quarter of 2013. Millions of passengers will benefit from this innovative in-taxi payment technology.