Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe leads the European R&D+i Basylis project which aims to develop a transportable, easy to deploy, thorough security solution to enhance the protection of refugee camps or other temporary settlements in complex environments.

The project, with a € 3 million budget and an execution period of two years, is within the framework of the EU's VII programme. The consortium is made up of the Centro Nacional para la Protección de las Infraestructuras Críticas (CNPIC), organismo adscrito a la Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad del Ministerio del Interior español Spanish Ministry of Interior; Microflown from the Netherlands, Finnish company Mirasys; Terma, from Denmark; and the Spanish New Technologies Global Systems. Futhermore, the Technical University of Madrid, the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) and the University College London (UK) will also participate.

In addition to this, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) collaborated in the definition of the requirements to make sure the system meets the needs of the final user.

Basylis will develop a portable solution, of easy, cost effective maintenance and deployment and capable of detecting automatically and efficiently different security threats in complex environments, specifically in refugee camps. This technology will meet the basic security needs of settlements of this nature, for instance the protection of open spaces with a cost-effective system and low percentage of false alarms rates, taking into account the installation is temporary and it entails certain limits as to size, energy and reliability of the equipment. Moreover, the presence of people in the area requires use of technologies with a respectful approach to privacy and at the same time capable of distinguishing normal from dangerous situations.

For this reason, the resulting solution will integrate the information provided by radar systems, ladar (laser radar), acoustic vector sensors, unattended ground sensors (UGS) and bracelets for personal security into a single platform. This multisensor integration (MSI) will make use of smart video to verify and classify alarms automatically.  In order to reduce the amount of false alarms in an environment with active flow of people, the solution will process the information, will assess detected risks and will distinguish a normal situation from those considered dangerous by means of a behavioural analysis.

State-of-the-art approach

Basilys will incorporate state-of-the-art technology to create a new concept of a modern security system which can spare large amounts of equipment and energy. It will reduce the possibility of false alarms, the need of physical barriers and/or surveillance cameras which affects intimacy of the refugees. The system is robust, concealed as in the case of buried sensors, requires simple maintenance and its startup and operation do not require extensive technical knowledge.

The system's high sensitivity sensors have been designed and optimised to detect a wide range of threats. The synergies generated by all the sensors make the system adjustable and capable of operating in different environments. Even if Basilys was conceived primarily for refugee camps or temporary settlements, it can also be used to protect many other facilities such as electricity power and nuclear stations, dams and other critical infrastructures.

Leadership in security and protection of infrastructures

Indra has broad experience in the design and implementation of , the company has international references in airports, harbours, railway networks, energy and telecommunications companies, financial entities, corporate headquarters and office buildings, security corps and forces or large industrial facilities.

The company is collaborating with The National Center for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CNPIC), dependant from the Secretariat of State for Security of the Ministry of the Interior of Spain in order to provide effective protection for Spain's critical infrastructures which deliver basic services to society. For instance, the company takes part in the Grupo Informal de (GIPIC) led by the CNPIC, which elaborates guidelines for the operators of these facilities to create security and specific protection plans.

Indra is also a leader in the implementation of emergencies and security centres in Spain, with projects such as SIMGE, of the emergency military unit; Madrid City Council's CISEM and SIGE of Civil Protection, among others, as well as control centres and security systems for important events, such as Expo Zaragoza, the Universal Forum of Cultures in Barcelona; The America's Cup, in Valencia; the Seville Expo or the Olympic Games held in Barcelona.

The company has significant references in the development and implementation of identification solutions such as the Spanish electronic ID card or the Portuguese passport and is a leader in the development and start-up of coastal surveillance systems in Europe with projects in Spain, Portugal, Latvia and Rumania and Hong Kong outside Europe.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with over € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M and the international market already accounts for a 44%. The company employs more than 35,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.

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