Implantica AG (publ.) announced the first-in-the-country public tender win for RefluxStop at Hospital Universitario de Getafe, a public hospital in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz de Adana and Dr. Alberto Hernández Matías successfully performed ten RefluxStop procedures at Hospital Universitario de Getafe, over the last year. In line with the successful outcomes of these cases, the hospital has secured a first-of-its-kind RefluxStop public tender in Spain.

This is a crucial milestone not only for the patients of Madrid and Spain, but also in Europe overall. This is now the second country after Italy where RefluxStop has won a public tender. The innovative RefluxStop procedure is a new treatment for severe GERD which repairs the natural anatomy of the body to address the root cause of acid reflux.

The RefluxStop procedure does not encircle the food passageway, which allows many patients who were not previously candidates for surgery to now experience the benefits of a more permanent surgical option to treat ongoing GERD.