IMPACT Silver Corp. announced the results of a two week field review, undertaken by consulting geologist Dr. Jim Oliver, of the San Ramon, Guadalupe, Chivo, Alacran and Santa Teresa in the Zacualpan silver- gold district of central Mexico. Dr. Oliver is well respected in the industry and has broad global experience with numerous deposit types including extensive work on structurally controlled gold-silver mineralized systems. This technical review was undertaken to confirm exploration procedures, prioritize exploration targets and clarify models to guide future exploration on the property. The technical review indicates: Deformation zones which host the Zacualpan veins are robust and continuous over several kilometers of length. The continuity of the deformation zones is sometimes obscured by shallow sedimentary cover but the veins and the deformation zones have been shown to persist beneath the overlying sediments. The historic alignment of pits, trenches and adits, coupled with geochemical, geological and geophysical data indicate that principle Zacualpan deformation zones are commonly silver-gold mineralized. Most of the Zacualpan mineralized deformation zones have offsets to the right and downslope in their movement history. Knowledge of the movement history of the deformation zones will permit the exploration teams to define and test dilatant mineralized sites, or sites of preferential mineralization within the broader deformation zones. The mineralogy and textural characteristics of the veins suggest that the Zacualpan silver veins are of the deposit type known as intermediate sulphidation veins. Intermediate sulphidation vein systems are a common deposit type at many Mexican silver occurrences and deposits including major vein systems at Taxco, Pachuca, Zacatecas and Guanajuato. The technical data suggests that the intermediate sulphidation veins of the Zacualpan area may be mineralized over vertical distances exceeding 400 m. In many cases, the surface expressions of the veins systems are occurring near the upper limits of the hydrothermal system, or the system is intact and has not been substantially eroded. Many of the historic occurrences in the Zacualpan district have either not been drill tested or tested only to very shallow depths. The Zacualpan project area is strongly metal endowed and may include other deposit types in addition to silver dominant intermediate sulphidation veins. Occurrences in the Santa Terresa area have some of the characteristics of gold associated with intrusion related gold systems. Anomalous gold and copper values in surface and underground rock exposures are associated with numerous silica-hematite altered felsic intrusions which cut thick bedded, siliceous sediments. IMPACT technical teams are currently expanding the targeting of intrusion hosted gold occurrences in the Santa Teresa area and investigating the potential for bulk tonnage intrusion related gold systems. Work is presently in progress in two principle areas including: Defining onstrike extensions to the San Ramon silver vein system. Detailed soil geochemical sampling and geological work extended the deformation zone which hosts the San Ramon mine. Better characterizing the potential for bulk mineable, and potentially intrusion related gold systems in the Santa Teresa area. With additional geochemical and geological work, the Santa Teresa anomalous gold copper area is outlined over a large area with many anomalous samples in gold.