Imex Systems Inc. continued to advance the development of the GOVCANN platform to address the needs of government agencies, health and safety, law enforcement, Licensed Producers and retailers. Municipalities will undoubtedly be met with numerous and ongoing challenges in implementing and enforcing the new cannabis legislation which the Company recognizes will require the cooperation of all municipal divisions including: police, fire and paramedic services; municipal planning; licensing and standards; public health; and social and legal services. In order to keep cannabis out of the reach from children, deter illegal activity, and protect public safety, it is imperative that municipalities consult with these various stakeholders, as well as their constituents. Under Bill 36, the Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, municipalities will be able to decide whether to allow privately-operated cannabis stores or to pass a one-time resolution to prohibit stores from operating within municipal boundaries. The resolution must be passed no later than January 22, 2019.