Illumina, Inc. introduced the NovaSeq(TM) Series, a new and scalable sequencing architecture expected one day to enable a $100 genome. Unveiled at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, this platform redefines high throughput sequencing with unrivaled throughput, ease of use, low per sample costs, and unmatched flexibility. NovaSeq is the most powerful sequencer Illumina has ever launched and will open new horizons for more highly powered experiments at the depth required to discover rare genetic variants. It was designed from the ground up to allow a broad set of researchers to access next-generation sequencing technology and more easily conduct large-scale genomics projects with greater sample volumes, or more breadth and depth in the genome. In addition to a single instrument capable of sequencing from three to 48 human whole genomes per run, the NovaSeq Systems will open up new markets by making routine a wide range of applications from ultra-deep sequencing of matched tumor-normal pairs, to large-scale variant discovery studies associated with complex diseases, and low-pass sequencing of seed banks to select for specific traits. The NovaSeq Series includes the NovaSeq 5000 and 6000 Systems. These instruments offer ease of use features similar to those found in Illumina’s desktop sequencing portfolio, including automated onboard cluster generation, cartridge-based reagents, and streamlined workflows. With scalable throughput, users will have the flexibility to perform sequencing applications requiring different levels of output by simultaneously running one or two flow cells from up to four different flow cell types. The NovaSeq 5000 and 6000 Systems are priced at $850,000 and $985,000 respectively. Compared with other Illumina sequencing systems, both have lower per sample consumable costs for most sequencing applications. They provide laboratories that cannot afford the capital cost of a HiSeq X Five or HiSeq X Ten System with a roadmap to completing human whole-genome sequencing projects at a cost of $1,000 per genome. The NovaSeq 6000 will begin shipping in March 2017 and NovaSeq 5000 will begin shipping mid-2017.