Hyundai Bioscience announced that Dr. Jin-Ho Choi, a Chief Scientist of its major shareholding bio tech company CNPharm and Chair Professor at Dankook University, presented the study titled 'COVID-19 Game Changer Drug – a novel organic-inorganic hybrid oral formulation, Niclosamide-dehydrotalcite' at the 20th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference held in Guangzhou, China, on May 13th. The presentation included the efficacy test results and related data from CP-COV03, an oral treatment for COVID-19 developed by CNPharm, on SARS-CoV2 infected animals at the Korea Zoonosis Research Institute (KoZRI), Jeonbuk National University in Korea. The decreased viral load in the treated group results from Niclosamide's antiviral mechanism in both suppressing viral replication and deactivating the virus (virucidal). This study may be the world's first in vivo evidence for anthelminthic Niclosamide to be repurposed as an antiviral drug in oral formulation. CNPharm's CP-COV03 is now expected to compete with other COVID-19 antiviral oral drug candidates, such as Pfizer's PF-07321332 and Merck's MK-4482. CNPharm expects that Niclosamide-based CP-COV03 would exhibit better antiviral efficacy, considering Niclosamide's dual antiviral mechanism of inhibiting replication and destroying the virus.