Hummingbird Resources PLC provided an update on the progress of the ramp-up of mining operations at the Kouroussa Gold Mine in Guinea (Kouroussa) towards achieving commercial production. The start of 2024 has posed various operational hurdles, particularly at Kouroussa. However, in the face of adversity, team remained determined and resilient, working diligently to overcome them.

Building on the achievements and overcoming the challenges of 2023, the company is committed to delivering strong operational performance while upholding core principles of responsible mining and sustainable practices. Key Events and Achievements Through fiscal year 2024. Group Production totalled 22,867 oz of gold in first quarter of 2024, with Yanfolila contributing 16,999 oz and Kouroussa producing an additional 5,868 oz.

At Yanfolila, the development of KEUG is targeting first ore in second half of 2024, with commercial production expected later in the year. Despite steady progress in February and early March, Corica, the primary contractor at Kouroussa, temporarily halted mining on 17 March 2024. Operations resumed in May 2024.

Since the restart of operations, significant progress has been made in ramping up mining activities towards commercial production: All four Corica mining fleets are now fully operational. Additionally, two support fleets from ETASI have been integrated, with one operational and the second soon to be engaged, bringing the total fleet at Kouroussa to six. Ramp-up activities are progressing in line with the updated operational plan.

BCM rates are being achieved, and grades are increasing as the operation continues to mine transitional and fresh ore. Since resuming operations at Kouroussa, approximately 4,000 oz of gold has been produced, bringing year-to-date production to c.12,000 oz. o Based on the current rate of progress, the Company expects to achieve commercial production in third quarter of 2024.

A detailed update will be provided in the second quarter of 2024 operational and trading update, scheduled for release in late July 2024.