Tax Certificate for the year 2013

Tax Certificate Shipment:
On January 29, 2014, the CDCC (Central Depository and Clearing Company, Heinzelova 62a, 10 000 Zagreb, phone: +385 1 4607 300, e-mail:, web-site: will start sending tax certificates as defined by law for the purposes of annual tax return (hereinafter: Certificate) to all shareholders (to whom the tax and surtax on the basis of the dividend payment is calculated and paid). To all shareholders who have not activated the My e-account service, the CDCC will initially send the Certificate through the post, free of charge. However, any subsequent issuance of Certificates upon request will be charged (billable). We advise all shareholders to activate CDCC's online service My e-account online service as soon as possible and to download the Certificate, because users of the My e-account service can download the Certificate before the above mentioned delivery date.

Subsequent issuance of the Tax Certificate - free of charge
MY E-ACCOUNT: users of the My e-account service can download the Certificate free of charge.

Subsequent issuance of the Tax Certificate - billable:
A written request for a subsequent issuance of Certificates to the CDCC does not have to be submitted. Payment of the amount of 12,50 HRK to the CDCC account: 2390001-1100017198 (IBAN HR9823900011100017198) will suffice. It is very important to enter the correct reference number: 162-162-OIB-YYYY or ClientID-YYYY. YYYY is the year for which the Certificate is requested. If no specific year is entered in the reference number, it will be considered that the payment relates to the issuance of a Certificate for the previous calendar year. For example, if the reference number is 162-OIB-2013 or 162-ClientID-2013 or 162-OIB or 162-ClientID, it will be considered that the payment relates to the Certificate for the year 2013. Upon receipt of payment with the correct reference number, the CDCC will automatically send the Certificate and invoice to the investor's correspondence address. All payments containing an incorrect reference number will not be processed automatically. Such payments will be processed subsequently, upon delivery of a copy of the payment receipt to the CDCC, by which the investor will be indentified.

Correspondence address check:
We invite all investors to check the correctness of their correspondence address, to ensure delivery of Certificate to the correct address:

  1. Online - using the free of charge online My e-account
  2. By dialing the phone number (+385) 01 4607 300 (answering machine: menu 3, submenu 2) with identification by OIB and PIN of the basic account.

Correspondence address change:
Domestic and foreign natural persons can change their basic account correspondence address:

  1. Online - using the free of charge online My e-account
  2. By personally signed written request with a photocopy of a valid identity document enclosed. The request has to be submitted by post;
  3. Personally, at the CDCC Investors' office;
  4. By telephone conversation with the CDCC operator, dialling the phone number +385 1 4607 300 (answering machine: menu 0) and identification with basic account ID and PIN.

Domestic and foreign legal entities can change their basic account correspondence address:

  1. Online - using the free of charge online My e-account
  2. By signed and stamped request. The request may be submitted by fax.
  3. Personally, at the CDCC Investors' office, by authorized representative.

The above mentioned methods are also valid for change of the correspondence address for representative accounts and accounts for other purposes.

The correspondence address does not have to be proved, i.e. it does not have to be identical to the address of residence/headquarters address.

The above mentioned instructions for change of correspondence address do not apply to custody and portfolio accounts.

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